Fleshlights are artificial vaginas or artificial anus sex toys. They are used for the purpose of masturbation purpose by putting the penis into them. Fleshlights are rather much more discreet (You can hide them) than sex dolls and also they are more realistic. Fleshlights helps the penis to enjoy stimulation in order to reach or achieve orgasm.
A fleshlight just like a sex doll does not get periods, cannot get pregnant or even complain to you. A fleshlight cannot say no to sex. It is ever ready to accommodate your needs anytime. Apart from having sex with the vagina or anal part, a fleshlight can also give you a blow job and it sure feels like the real thing.
Fleshlights are made from rubber polymers and a very good quality mineral oil. A fleshlight has a textured canal that is placed on each of the fleshlight sleeve.
After sex in order to clean it you will remove the sleeve from the case and apply a lot of warm water to run through it. You will then afterwards spray Fleshwater (A type of cleaner that prevents that prevents the material from being eroded) and then you rinse once again with warm water and leave it to dry.
Also you can never get your penis stuck in a fleshlight as long as you use it properly. A fleshlight can also be used by any penis size or length, no matter how endowed or not that you are.
Sex dolls on the other hand are human like dolls that can move and look very realistic. These realsexdolls can be used to have sexual intercourse with. Some people customize their sex dolls to look like their partners. Apart from just having sex, like the Fleshlights, sex dolls can also be used for masturbation.
A sex doll consists of the whole body; in fact it resembles a real human. The orifices (That is the vagina, anus or mouth) sometimes vibrates in order to stimulate the man during sex and the orifices can also be either removable or not.
Sex dolls can give you untold hours of pleasurable, wild sex in the comfort of your bedroom. Sex dolls are made to look like and feel like the real thing. A sex doll can be customized to any shape you want either plus size, petite, apple shaped, hour-glass etc. You can also get any facial feature on a sex doll like wrinkles, freckles and some have pubic hair as well.
A female sex doll has a typical vagina while a male sex doll has an attachable penis. You can get maximum satisfaction from these dolls. The main purpose of a sex doll is to give you upmost pleasure and let you explore your fantasy to the fullest capacity.
Sex dolls are made from either TPE (Thermoplastic elastomer) or silicone materials. Sex dolls are made to feel and look like human skin and are very durable although silicone is far more durable than TPE.
Now from all the above descriptions of Fleshlights and Sex dolls which one do I recommend that you get for yourself? Well I will say it totally depends on your taste and preferences.
If you are seeking discretion because you already have a live partner who will not approve of a sex doll, then your best bet is to get you a fleshlight so that you can hide it.
On the other hand if you are single, divorced or widowed, are looking for adventure and company with a hot woman-like doll then I suggest you get yourself a sex doll. At least you get to have company and spend time with her on those lonely nights.